Overview TravelNote

About TravelNote
TravelNote is a business associated with travelling and has been operating since year 2015. It offers a variety of services, which include purchasing airline tickets, making hotel reservations, creating itineraries for tour (or special packages) and providing information about specific destinations. It also provides car and motorbike renting services. TravelNote has experienced in serving major group tour, private tour, family and even corporations.

Token Technology ERC20
TravelNote token is created by using the smart contract technology (ERC20) from Ethereum. The very reason why smart contract is applied was to ensure every token owner candidates, investors and business owner to be opened and transparent among each other. This smart contract can be evaluated clearly without any problem on the blockchain track of the entherum network.

Token Exchange Value
Exchange value is basically depending on market demand but we are very committed for TravelNote to have a flat/standard price in parallel with the progression of TravelNote token usage.

Open Transaction
TravelNote token can be used in any transaction without losing the value of local currency (IDR) as a reference with the opened blockchain technology.

TravelNote Ecosystem
Ecosystem is very essential to maintain the efficiency of the TravelNote project. Taking this into account, we will focus on the running of TravelNote ecosystem as the main payment gate to our business.

Token information
Token TVNT
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
Pre-ICO price1 TVNT = 0.0007 ETH
Price in ICO 0.1382 USD
Tokens for sale 2,000,000

Buy Back Program Guarantee
As we already know that TravelNote token will be used as the payment gate in our travel business including all its products and in fact we are looking forward to have a remittance feature in our next long- term project. After all TravelNote tokens have been circulated to the public/market, automatically we should have all these TravelNote tokens stock back by ‘buy-back’ method as the tokens are very limited.

For More Information :
My Username : Kurohige929BSR
My Telegram Username : @Huor782
