Kimera Review - Artificial Intelligence

AGI is a powerful tool with the potential to change humanity, making it an attractive asset for abuse by bad actors. By decentralizing control of the system, we’ve embedded a solution to combat this possibility right into the design. With its great potential to change humanity, AGI should be controlled by humanity, not large corporations, single entities, or governments.

Society has advanced more in the past several decades than it has in a millennium. Despite all our technological and societal advances, we struggle to overcome some of the same fundamental challengesglobal poverty, disease, and the distribution of wealth and power, to name just a few. Humanity has a long way to go.

Kimera envisions a future where people are surrounded by intelligent things that can understand each individual, anticipate their goals and proactively assist them in everyday life. This could translate into helping an individual book a plane ticket or helping all of society reducing homelessness. In this future, machines augment our thinking and either automate some decision making or proactively deliver the content or services needed to assist in the decision-making process.

Unlike today’s digital app stores and online social networks where people actively seek out resources, Kimera’s solution automatically handles search and discovery behind the scenes. The capability of a truly intelligent machine will blend into the background of our lives, freeing people from constantly having to operate their devices and instead allow them to focus instead on living their lives to their fullest potential.

The AGI fueling these machines, or objects, will be a non-sentient AGI that is completely void of “selfish goals” and instead focused on helping people pursue their individual goals. The aggregate result will be revolutionary impacts on society.

To move humanity forward, AGI needs an enormous amount of sensor data gathered from connected devices. Some of these devices already exist and are currently generating data, such as smartphones or smartwatches. Other devices exist, but aren’t yet connected to the global network. The 20 billion devices that are currently connected the network are enough to begin raising AGI from infancy, but a fully mature AGI will require far more.

Elon Musk & Bill Gates believe that AGI will create a malevolent super intelligence in a “few minutes or hours after AGI is turned on.” What their arguments fail to account for is where all the data will come from and how it will be processed.

AGI will become an “observer” which builds knowledge over time to a point that is larger than what exists today. To create this amount of deep knowledge, Kimera has designed an entire ecosystem that encourages users, developers, network operators, device manufacturers, and others to participate in the network by connecting their devices and supplying data. This will help create a global intelligent network that powers the next trillion devices.

With the emergence of human-like thinking machines, a natural concern is job automation and the impact AGI would have on existing social and political structures. The problem is not job automation but rather an economic model that rewards large companies and governments at the expense of individuals. To 9 correct this imbalance, Kimera has designed a decentralized economic model that supports their intelligent network and empowers the individual.

Through Kimera’s AGI technology we’ve transformed the global network into an intelligent entity that understands people and businesses, and anticipates what participants require to achieve their goals. Whether purchasing a single cup of coffee or helping a group of scientists discover cures for cancer, Kimera will lead participants to the right resources at the right time. Such AGI requires an exceptional amount of knowledge derived from continued observation of how our society functions.

To accomplish the requisite data collection, we developed an economic model that rewards participants, developers, and device manufacturers. Whether they use it to teach, create, or travel the world; the more active a Kimera participant is, the more sensor data is gathered from their activities. This automatically performs the extremely valuable task of information gathering an AGI requires to increase its efficiency and learn about spacetime. As an incentive, our model rewards people with Kimera tokens for their sensor data. The result is an economic model designed to compensate participants as they live a full life free of corporate and government control.

You can read more about this economics model in the token economics section.

Information ICO
PreICO Price 1 KIMERA = 0.00036 ETH
Price 1 KIMERA = 0.00036 ETH
Bonus Available
MVP/Prototype Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH
Minimum investment 0.1 ETH
Soft cap 25,000 Ethers
Hard cap 250,000 Ethers
Country USA
Whitelist/KYC KYC & Whitelist
Restricted areas USA, China, South Korea

Kimera offers a value proposition to several stake holders within the digital ecosystem.
● Intelligent hardware and software continuously learns and automates life
● New functionality and services is delivered without the need to manage more complex devices and interactions
● Decentralized software agents give users control over how their data is managed and used
● Users earn tokens automatically as they generate sensor data through the normal activities they are involved with in their everyday lives

● Manufacturers are financially incentivized to build new types of connected devices, as they receive a share of the on-going value stream their products create
● Manufacturers earn revenue as their devices bring value to people

Software Developers
Proactive peer-to-peer networks act as a “reverse app store" model. Rather than users having to go and find apps, the apps are proactively moved to users as needed
● Dynamic apps built on the fly by interconnecting microservices, creating abundant opportunities for new types of intelligent software 24
● Software developers earn tokens every time their apps runs on a consumer device

AGI Nodes
● Network owners operating an AGI node get full control over their networks, ability to bias the intelligence and prevent certain services to run on their networks
● Node operators manage the revenue share model in their own network

Kimera plans on using a portion of the funds obtained above our soft cap to acquire certain established Android applications with existing users and integrate the AGI middleware directly into them. The goal is to acquire apps with a combined user-base of up to 50 million users.

Acquiring apps is faster and more economical than building our own user base with a custom Kimera app. It allows us to deploy Kimera’s AGI at a global scale in under twelve months and reduces the time to integrate with device manufacturers. This will jumpstart the growth of our AGI solution so it begins providing value almost immediately. We are currently focusing on several app categories that provide a natural platform for AGI to add value, including device automation, launchers, alarm clocks, calendaring, messaging, etc.

Similarly, with developers, we intend to acquire one or more developer tools to integrate with our own SDK as an avenue to reach a larger number of developers.

Kimera tokens are focused on providing users with an intelligent way to connect with data, functionality and value. Creating ever increasing value for users is core to the expansion of the Kimera token economy.

Kimera understands the importance of token value and plans to increase the value by actively proliferating our AGI through popular mobile applications and incentivizing adoption by paying users for sensor data acquired from simply living their lives. We will also collect a small fee for the commerce transacted on the system. Commerce will oftentimes necessitate the purchase of Kimera tokens with fiat. This fiat to token exchange will put upward pressure on the Kimera token price due to the reduction of its supply over time.

For the development community, we intend to provide tools to help software developers create new AGIpowered apps and services offering new and scalable business models. We will also work with service providers to offer compelling ways to use tokens in innovative and automated ways. We intend to provide open source tools and leadership to enable the entire ecosystem to extend and innovate AGI-powered capabilities from devices and networks through apps and content and the cloud.

Okay, you can visit their WEBSITE and WHITEPAPER to get more information. And for those of you who have Social Media, you can visit their social media on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. And for those of you who want to ask something about this Project, you can join their TELEGRAM Group.

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