
Overview TravelNote

About TravelNote TravelNote is a business associated with travelling and has been operating since year 2015. It offers a variety of services, which include purchasing airline tickets, making hotel reservations, creating itineraries for tour (or special packages) and providing information about specific destinations. It also provides car and motorbike renting services. TravelNote has experienced in serving major group tour, private tour, family and even corporations. Token Technology ERC20 TravelNote token is created by using the smart contract technology (ERC20) from Ethereum. The very reason why smart contract is applied was to ensure every token owner candidates, investors and business owner to be opened and transparent among each other. This smart contract can be evaluated clearly without any problem on the blockchain track of the entherum network. Token Exchange Value Exchange value is basically depending on market demand but we are very committed for TravelNote

Overview Cryptonity Ecosystem

What is Cryptonity? Cryptonity is the combination of two words: Crypto and Community. Simple but strong and meaningful, our goal is to be an exchange that is respected by the Cryptocurrency Community. We aim at providing the most comprehensive, secure, transparent and collaborative exchange platform in the market. We want to bring good vibes to the Crypto World, breaking with the ‘only profit’ policy of most exchanges. Why Cryptonity? Building a cryptocurrency exchange is not an easy task. Building an exchange that provides a complete set of tools and features is an even more challenging ambition. At Cryptonity, we are conscious of the time, self-investment, passion and hard work a project like this demands. But we do believe that the current exchanges, including those who have been in the market for a long time, can be improved in a lot of ways. Perfection is very hard to reach, but we strive to get close to it, as much as we can. Based on our experiences in cryptocu

GOeureka | A Rewarding Hotel Booking Experience

GOeureka is an online booking platform that leverages blockchain technology to tackle current issues in the travel industry such as high commission structures imposed by online travel agencies (OTAs) and the fragmented loyalty programmes within the hotel industry. The platform is a partially decentralised web and app platform to provide travellers and hotels direct access to communicate with each other.   GOeureka’s technical roadmap presents plans for a fully decentralized platform, as well as a loyalty network blockchain to facilitate interoperable loyalty points across the travel industry and possibly across the retail industry. This technical whitepaper outlines the technology behind the platform and the data that will be processed off-chain and on-chain. The web application platform will host a booking platform for travellers and a hotel inventory system for hotels. Travellers will be able to search and book hotels. Hotels can update room inventory and prices directl

Now It's Time for Travelling with GOeureka

The main feature of GOeureka The GOeureka platform is adapted to various devices and is easy to use. Project-made intelligence quickly finds hotels that meet client needs according to the parameters given. A user can specify any selection criteria, including prices for accommodation, choice of food and kitchen options, views from windows, etc. GOeur they are trying to make holiday travelers as comfortable as possible. GOeureka's vision GO has a plan to create an online ecosystem where businesses grow by offering the best services to tourists. As a technology partner for the hotel industry, GO will offer applications and web experiences that are simple and direct to users without high commissions on most sites. By freeing up resources for hotels, GO will enable them to offer better value and customer service with their resources. Benefits of GOeureka This project is based on blockchain technology that can be relied upon to store user data in the system. It is alm

Overview GOeureka Project

The blockchain provides GOeureka with the required token economics needed to eliminate high commission fees and the ability to facilitate interoperable loyalty points. GOeureka’s platform also benefits from the distributed ledger technology that guarantees security and transparency across its platform. GOeureka chose the Ethereum blockchain due to its flexible and extensible nature. The use of Ethereum smart contracts allows for the creation of “autonomous agents” that may be implemented throughout GOeureka’s platform to automate many processes and remove various third-parties that usually result in a slower process and multiple transaction fees that lead to high costs.   While moving towards a fully decentralized platform, GOeureka will look into the adoption of key blockchain technologies such as zero knowledge proofs, off-chain computation solutions and recently introduced Ethereum technology like the Plasma and Raiden network. Mobile Application Platform    The

Swiss Alps Mining | The Best Mining Project In 2018

Swiss Alps Energy noble metal is that the initial company with a revolutinary resolution to avoid wasting up to five hundredth of its electricity prices by victimisation mining cubes powered completely by renewable energy and ORC recovery of waste heat from the mining instrumentality. This represents an answer for a worldwide downside facing the business. The abundant lower boiling purpose of water at high altitudes wherever the cubes square measure positioned makes energy recovery significantly a lot of economical. This makes mining considerably a lot of profitable, protects Swiss cultural heritage, and saves energy. Swiss Alps Energy noble metal (SAE) could be a distributed ledger-based energy provider associate degreed an operator of versatile standard mining infrastructures that square measure supposed for semipermanent stationary use. Thereby, SAE preserves unused buildings within the Swiss alps and uses them reasonably and while not interference with either building str